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CDC Fiscal Year 2023 Grant Funding By Category for US States & Territories

Category Obligation
Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR) $31,501,508
Birth Defects, Developmental Disabilities, Disability and Health $114,211,074
Childhood Obesity Demonstration Project $2,082,000
Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion $903,852,201
Cross-Cutting Activities and Program Support $1,147,528,762
Emerging and Zoonotic Infectious Diseases $220,884,910
Environmental Health $107,297,969
Health Reform - Toxic Substances & Environmental Public Health $2,999,999
HIV/AIDS, Viral Hepatitis, STI and TB Prevention $930,194,704
Immunization and Respiratory Diseases $381,681,547
Injury Prevention and Control $610,762,308
Occupational Safety and Health $100,883,993
Public Health Preparedness and Response $668,647,000
Public Health Scientific Services (PHSS) $106,956,644
Public Health Social Services Emergency Fund (PHSSEF) $5,037,263,814
Vaccines for Children $4,774,112,184
World Trade Center Health Programs (WTC) $23,654,388

Total: $15,164,515,005